
There has been a lot of reports in the national newspaper on the benefits of attending laughter classes:-

“Fake laughter can really lift your mood, reports a new study in the ‘Journal of Women and Ageing. In a 2 months study of 66 women, those who tried laughter yoga – where they were taught to chuckle voluntarily for roughly 30-minute sessions – reported feeling less depressed and less anxious than those who did not. It is thought to release feel-good chemicals in the brain, just as genuine laughter does.”

Meena Clugston at our Hospital in Lalgadh has been doing laughter classes for over 10 years for patients and other people. Not just women but men and children too. The delight and joy on their faces gives you a sense of the release that laughing gives you.Meena was obviously light years ahead of many scientists of today. Here are a couple of photo’s for you to see Meena at work.